Specky, one of the founders of DiddlySquat, has given his personal account of the demise of DiddlySquat.
According to the Irish Gaming and Roleplaying Wiki:
Diddlysquat is an RPG publishing company founded by Geoff Moore in 2004 with the intention of producing a horror/sci-fi tabletop RPG called Spectres. The Spectres game was intended to be released as three prequels followed by the main game system.
But sadly DiddlySquat is no more and I guess we won’t be seeing Spectres as a full game (though the work will probably be made available via GCG).
When you read this kind of things it really makes you cynical about the communities involved (both online and offline). Sure I’ve argued and caused near-flame wars in the online half of the Irish gaming community, but I would hope that people don’t bare grudges and that they should realise that, sometimes, antagonistic nature of online discussion is actually healthy. But I don’t think that’s true. People do hold grudges for the slightest things.
So, here is a farewell to another doomed project of the Irish Gaming Community. I roll my dice to you (*sounds of all dice scattering across the table and getting lost on the floor* doh!)
As an aside, I can’t help but draw some parrallels to this earlier history of other projects in the community too and the recent flop of the an Game Chef concept (see this comment). I guess I’m too old for this shit.
[…] Mark notes that Diddlysquat is dead. […]
People do bear grudges. Especially people who have poorly developed social habits anyway.
Are you saying gamers have “poorly developed social habits”?
acktelamyth says it’s because “the higher levels of immaturity and egomania”, which amounts to the same thing!
But your right, people do bear grudges. Sometimes I do, but generally, given enough time, I’ll forget it and move on. It’s easier if you meet them in person too. That’s probably because I’m sap. I know others who don’t and they are certainly not gamers!
I don’t bear a grudge generally but there are some people who have used up all of the free “Trust” tickets allocated upon birth, some people who I’d never again collaborate on a project with, some people who I’d probably rescue if they were drowning.
This is not because I’m socially inept* but rather because I’m not an idiot.
* I am socially inept. It’s just not relevant here.
I hate to say it, but I’ve been scared off collaborating on any of my personal projects. So I never have. I think I don’t have the confidence to stand up and say, hey what I’ve got is cool.
I’ll willingly help others, if asked but I’d rather not ask others to help me unless I trust them absolutely. Sadly there is only one person I trust like that, and she’s not a gamer, my wife.