Tag Archives: Nobilis

From Adventures to Campaigns… Cammy’s Model v0.1

I saw a post on LJ (livejournal.com) from mytholder which made me think I should write up some of my thoughts on running gaming/roleplaying campaigns (or chronicles) as opposed to adventures. I’ve just started, hopefully long-running, Nobilis campaign, I’ve started seriously thinking about how to handle campaigns. However I wouldn’t consider myself well versed in […]

So what the hell is Nobilis?

Okay, I’m probably going to go on and on about Nobilis a bit so here is a summary of the setting and concepts behind the rules so that people have some idea what I’m going on about. Related Posts:From Adventures to Campaigns… Cammy’s Model v0.1My first RPG mapThe RPG Blog AllianceJust to balance out my […]