Wednesday, September 8th, 2010
As part of winning these custom dice, I have to do a review of them. However I haven’t gamed in months, certainly not since I received the dice. So instead I’m doing a “part 1” of the review now, which is, in a sense, a bit weird as it’s my design on the dice! Part […]
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
My six year old daughter watched me get the images ready for the previous post and went off with her pens and did her own version of Cthulhu: (My original: ) She also did her own version of the plus symbol for the dice design as well: (My original: ) Now to get her programming […]
Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
So I won a competition from dicecreator to get my own custom dice, which rocks. So I spent an afternoon working on the design. I’m sure you’ve seen my the Cthulhu-inspired image on the front of this webpage (and it doubles as my twitter icon) but if not, here it is again. I thought this […]
I came across dicecreator via twitter. He makes these exceptional custom dice for gaming such as these amazing Fudge dice (image on the right). And during some testing of his equipment he decided to use my twitter icon as a test for some dice: Which, to use the American vernacular, is awesome! Anyway, he recently […]