Tuesday, February 14th, 2012
Apparently I’ve become a morning person. This is something has crept up on me. It certainly wasn’t intentional. The New York Times has this quiz that determines if you are morning or night person. I got about 21 on the scale. I wake at 6am, every morning, even on weekends. When I get the chance […]
Wednesday, October 26th, 2011
Now I know what it’s like to not be a writer (even a perpetual amateur like me). It’s quite liberating. No agonising over not writing, no overthinking on words and scenes and meanings. Freedom to choose what I spend my time doing. Is this what it’s like all the time for people who don’t write? […]
Thursday, August 18th, 2011
(I wrote this shortly after coming back from my holidays in July. Not sure why I didn’t decide to post it, probably post-holiday blues). Back from holidays and I’m only a few days in work and it feels like an age. So Sunday night (which is actually a few weeks back now), last day before […]