#halloween #gothic #rockpaperscissors #rockpaperscissorslizardspock +Uri Kurlianchik asked for suggestions for a more gothic version of rock-paper-scissors. I suggested Death-Love-Necromancer, where Death steals Love, Necromancer beats Dea…
Tag Archives: Halloween
Our local Halloween 2012!
#halloween2012 I do enjoy halloween though this year we felt really rushed to get all the last minute touches done. The kids had a blast, damn fine haul too. We had an army of trick-or-treaters. We made about 50-60 bags and we were left with about …
Halloween 2007 has come and gone!
So I missed Gaelcon this year. I know it won’t change but it’s the worst weekend to run a convention. There is so much stuff going on for Halloween. In previous years I tried to switch each year between the Horrorfest in the IFC and Gaelcon, but it is very hard to justify spending the […]
Ah Halloween…
… has come and gone. I was excited about Halloween this year because it would have been Alice’s, my two-years-and-a-bit-old daughter, first real Halloween, with costumes, trick-or-treats and candy candy candy! We got her this cute devil-witch costume, with horns, tail and a dress. Admittly she hasn’t been in the mood. More teeth are coming […]
Gaelcon 2006 and me
Only a day spent in the warm waters that is the national gamers event called Gaelcon. I dumped my kid on her Grandmother and Auntie, grabbed my bag of dice, ever-present satchel and a few pens, (oh and my Nintendo DS Lite, don’t go anywhere without these days). I only had a day. I choose […]
Yep. I got the domain thedeadone.net. It was a present for 26th birthday! Not only have I cross that “25” year threshold but my little sister is suddenly all grown up and stuff. She had her debs there only a week or so ago. Check out the photos I took of her here. Man, how […]